Organized Sports NFL Picks – Thank You, Super Bowl!

Paul McCartney Super Bowl

Yes, he really said “Thank You, Super Bowl!”

Organized Sports is a recurring sports column named for a seminal DC avant-hardcore song by the equally stupid and brilliant (to me, “equally stupid and brilliant” pretty much just means “brilliant”) band Void. Take from that what you will. 

It all comes down to this. If it were the college national title game, this one would be for all the Tostitos, but since the Super Bowl is the premier spot for debuting high-budget ads for new cars and blockbuster films, this one’s for all the Fiat Abarths and Superman Reboots.

I really love the Super Bowl, particularly have over the past fifteen years or so, when the games moved from either the Cowboys or the 49ers blowing out some hopeless AFC team to a series of mostly close games decided in the final quarter if not the final minutes. Though the Rams won the Super Bowl in 2000 on the final play of the game with a defensive stop, and they are my team, that is not my favorite Super Bowl—that would have to be the perfect Patriots getting upset by the very imperfect Giants. But there have been many great games. Hopefully this is another.

On to the picks.

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